If you own an online business, you are probably always on the lookout for new forms of Internet marketing. As you have no doubt discovered, there are many different ways to market your business online. One of the best and least expensive is direct email marketing.
Direct email marketing is a simple, but effective form of Internet marketing. It allows you to reach your customers, and provide them with information that you want them to see. Direct email marketing is very similar to classical direct marketing, but is much less expensive because you don’t have to pay for stamps, paper, return envelopes, and printing costs. Yet, at the same time, direct email marketing has all of the benefits of direct mail.

For example, direct email marketing can be used before and after a sale. You can utilize this form of Internet marketing to promote products, provide news, and to send confirmations and thank-you notes. Many of your website visitors will up to sign up for regular emails and offers. Take advantage of their interest and tell them more about your business.
If you don’t have time to send the emails yourself, you may choose to use email autoresponders. Email autoresponders are triggered when an email is sent to you. If you are unavailable, email autoresponders can contact the customer for you, providing order confirmations, information requests, etc.
If you’re not sure where or how to get started, here are five tips that will allow you to easily incorporate direct email marketing into you Internet marketing strategy.
Use a Professional Email Signature
This is an important part of direct email marketing. Every time you send a business email, you should include a professional signature at the bottom. Your signature should include your name, business name, and full web address. This is like free advertising for you. Plus, the person opening the email has instant access to your information. If they need to contact you, they will know exactly how to do it.
Find an Affiliate
An affiliate, or signature buddy, can step up your Internet marketing campaign and allow you to reach more customers. Simply ask someone to include your web address below their own signature every time they send an email. In return, you can add their web address to every email that you send below your signature. The benefit is obvious. You both get free advertising. However, you should keep in mind that this form of Internet marketing works best when you don’t pick someone who has a competing business.
Create a Newsletter
A newsletter or e-zine should be included in your Internet marketing strategy. A free newsletter takes a bit of time every month to create, but it is well worth the effort. Newsletters are an effective form of direct email marketing and can be used to promote your products and services. If you don’t have time to produce a quality newsletter yourself, you can hire a freelancer to do it for you.
Send Coupons
Everyone loves coupons. Make them part of your direct email marketing campaign. Send coupons for your products and services to your customers on a regular basis. Use them as promotional tools to increase business and increase sales.
Send Thank You Notes
Using an email autoresponder to send thank you notes to your customers after the sale is a polite gesture. It’s also Internet marketing at its finest. Thank show your appreciation and should be incorporated into your direct email marketing if at all possible. Sending a thank-you note is polite and an example of good customer service.